Designing The Art For a Musician’s Website

If you are a musician and looking for an artist who can do some graphic design work for you then Tara Joy could be just who you are looking for. She recently completed a portrait commission for a talented French musician called Mathieu Chauzu (aka Sadoo). Sadoo. He asked Tara to create a portrait of him for the website banner and also a musical foliage theme for his website. He gave Tara a video of him playing his song ‘Chai Tea’ and asked her if she might be able to create a portrait from it. From watching the video and also choosing a couple of still images from the video, she was able to create the portrait banner above. For the borders Sadoo wanted plants to be involved. He had seen Tara’s plant and tree based artwork in her book ‘The Inner Sense of Tree’ and was inspired to have the borders of his site covered in plants that had musical instruments growing from them. She found this idea very inspiring and created a whole magic garden full of plants that grew musical instruments. Because Sadoo’s music has many cultural influences, she made sure that she included a wide variety of instruments from different countries.

Designing The Art For a Musician’s Website
Designing The Art For a Musician’s Website
Designing The Art For a Musician’s Website

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